Friday, January 30, 2009

2 kinds of people I don't like

#1 Anyone with a Salt Life sticker anywhere on their vehicle.
"Oh, look at me! I saw a Salt Life sticker on the back of everyone's Mustang so now I'm gonna go buy one and let everyone know how much I love to go to the beach and be a Beach Bum (someone kill me) and I don't wanna go to work I just wanna sit at the beach all day and chillll mannnn. I tell everyone how I love the beach and I try to make my hair look like I've been to the beach even though it just looks like I haven't washed it in weeks."

#2 Anyone with a sticker on their car that says "Doesn't play well with others" 
I usually keep out of the way of these guys, they're obviously too har
dcore to mess with. I can tell by the mean looking No Fear type eyes on the back of their car.
 This can be a couple different kinds of people. It can be a middle aged person that thinks it's hilarious that he has it on his car and is trying to set himself apart as some kind of reclusive/hardcore dude that loves to "Work hard and play hard." I CANNOT HANDLE ANYONE WHO USES THAT SENTENCE. It can also be a white trash woman with a seriously beat up car. Because she is a drunk and does a ton of drugs, and therefore no one above the residents of the lowest forms of life that can minutely be called 'males' will want her because of the flap of skin that hangs out from her breast-milk stained wife beater that she confidently
 wears to Walmart, she believes that she is just too confident and independent to be held down by any man and she takes care of herself! I don't need a man to help me feed my 6 kids or pay the rent on my trailer! I'm an independent woman! This type of person can also be a teenage male around the age of 19-28 who is an embarrassment to everyone surrou
nding him. It's the kind of person that says things, trying to be funny, that just hurt. It makes you want to close your eyes because of how unfunny his jokes are. He plays World of Warcraft or some other MMORPG. He believes that because he has spent a great deal of his youth studying the intricacies of Dungeons and Dragons-type strategy and believes he has a good grip on the philosophies of practically every Science Fiction/Lord of the Rings-type book in Barnes and Noble, his unique intelligence somehow towers over those who have not appreciated all the little fantasy worlds he has immersed himself in and who have not spent countless hours fantasizing about the different kinds of elf races. He does not play well with others because he can kill
 anyone in Counterstrike or World of Warcraft and because he most likely listens to Dimmu Borgir or Cradle of Filth because 'it is just plain hardcore black death demon metal man! I like to listen to it while I pwn n00bs with my full tiered out lvl 80 hunter!' 

These are the main types of people that advertise those types of stickers. It's not to say that everyone is like this, but the great majority are. And I cannot handle them.

1 comment:

  1. And the 3rd type of people are a select few who are chosen to go down as Legend and they are granted the name V.I.A.L. for all time.
