Friday, January 23, 2009

If you're not washing your hands, urine trouble.

So I'm in the Sports Authority bathroom today doing my thing. I washed my hands afterwards of course and went to open the door with a paper towel in my hand as I always try to do so as not to contract the HIV and they had a waste basket right by the door! I found this very convenient. It makes me think of people who don't wash their hands and how thoroughly disgusting that is. People think that if they don't pee all over their hands then they shouldn't have to wash their hands...urine is pretty much sterile, that's not why you wash your hands really, though I'm not really interested in having urine on my hands either. You're washing to get any coliform bacteria off your hands (think E. Coli and many others). Your nether regions are crawling with this bacteria, which originates from the CRAP IN YOUR INTESTINES, and washing with SOAP (why do people waste their time running their hands under cold water for a second?) gets rid of the oils that the bacteria stick to. 

Do you seriously not have 20 seconds to spare to wash your hands? Be glad we have soap and running water and for the sake of your own health and the people you touch, (who probably wouldn't allow you to touch them if they knew your dirty little secret) WASH YOUR HANDS.

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