So me and Justin and Marian and Catherine had a discussion that started with who was hotter, Carrie Underwood or Taylor Swift. Justin and Marian thought that CU was hotter, while me and Cat surprisingly agreed that TS was hotter. The convo eventually evolved into which Disney characters are hotter. Catherine brought out the good point that nobody would want to be with Cinderella because there's nothing unique about her. The whole car was in agreement that Jasmine was one of the hottest, but Justin has a crush on Ariel from The Little Mermaid (gross). We all thought Snow White was cute but they should've made her hair longer. The conversation ended as Justin brought out that, and I quote, Nala from the Lion King is "definitely the hottest of the lions."
Well done.

On another note entirely, my neighbor that I take to daycare everyday sometimes comes in my house while he waits for me to get ready. Sometimes he'll go into my room to 'play with my dog.' I've been in there trying to get ready and he'll come in and SHUT THE DOOR behind him. So needless to say, I am a little wary. Today I got out the shower hardly dressed and he was sitting on my bed petting Emma. I'm not trying to be mean but it's creeping me out. It reminds me of the old guy on Family Guy that says his S's with a whistle lol. Here's a pic i took from around the corner whilst he wasn't looking. Poor Emma :(
both of those stories made me laugh