Hmmmmm...coincidence that these look familiar? Hardly. I hate to use that kind of picture for Jesus but it's all I could find. Do people really have to make the Son of God look so frail and unattractive? Sigh.
Why is everyone worshipping Obama? It seems like every single book I see is about him and his life and how great he is and how he's gonna change everything. I can understand that people who don't know about God's Kingdom have to believe in something, but seriously...nothing is going to change dramatically. When will people realize that humans are absolutely incapable of ruling themselves? Even if he was able to turn our economy around, what does that do about crime and sickness? Or racism? And war? No one will ever even address those things because it's just the 'way it is'. War, racism, crime, and diseases are a part of life, they say.
I can understand people's dislike for anything religious. If I didn't know the truth, I would be very anti-religion I think. Christendom and it's offshoots makes worship to God look so ugly and silly-looking. The clergy make it seem like they're doing their duties for prominence or some personal agenda and the laity are content following the Sunday morning regimen because the pasture says it will prevent them from going to hell. The more religious ones like to write scriptures and put them at their desk or have some sticker on their car. They truly have a 'form of godly devotion but prove false to it's power.' Real godly devotion makes you into a better person and makes you know God in a personal way. Considering most of these people are praying to JESUS, even though he said that 'No one comes to the Father except THROUGH me', their prayers could very well be completely in vain. These religions carry the responsibility of portraying what God is like and what he can do and will do. They fail. They deviate from the teachings of the Bible so as not to stand out or look fanatic, they cower in the face of changing and declining morals, and they continue to be involved in politics and in the support of wars. 'Their sins have amounted to the heavens' and their coming destruction should be no surprise for anyone who actually looks deeply into their Bible's and searches for Jehovah.
I do feel bad for the people who've been turned off to all religion because of Christendom's gross misrepresentation of worship though. They've been scarred to the point that they don't even welcome logical conversation about the Bible. Satan has done well in this system to get the majority away from learning the truth about Jehovah. Fortunately, he hasn't gotten everyone. I hate him though, seriously. I can't wait until Jehovah owns him. I hope we get some kind of physical representation of it happening. That would rock. I keep thinking about how raw Armageddon is gonna be too. When I'm driving and I look at the sky I think of it just going blood red and the clouds going black. The ground shaking and winds blowing, power going out everywhere and people LOSING THEIR MINDS. Of course, that may not be what happens whatsoever, but that's what I think of because the scriptures talk about it being a 'celestial' event that no one will escape acknowledging. It's insane man. Can you imagine the sickness that will be ravaging people's stomachs as they see their churches destroyed, their governments and nations and flags decimated? "This isn't supposed to happen!? When do I go to heaven?" I feel even worse, actually I don't, for apostates. Their whole lives are spent in spite and resentment for some aspect of our organization while they unknowingly fulfill scripture after scripture. It's such an insanely dangerous position to put themselves in considering they are committing the only sin the Bible says will not be forgiven. They're acting as Satan's private little servants. They do the work the demons would do if they had fleshly bodies. It's going to be a very, very bad day for them when things start going down. All their little arguments and questioning and slander will plague their minds for the short time they have left. I want to say it's going to be awesome to watch Jehovah own all the stupid people, but that's not really a good attitude. If he doesn't delight in anyone being destroyed, I have no place to either. But to see his name cleared and shown to everyone as it truly should be is going to bring tears of joy to every true servant of his. I'm not even going to get into how raw the paradise is going to be. AHHHHHHHHH. I want to meet Moses for REAL. Me and Moses are gonna be BFF, mark my words. I know I would get along with him. Ok, enough 'real talk', as Cameron would call it lol, for now.
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