Thursday, March 19, 2009

Morbid Children's Song and The Change Dilemma

1. Who remembers the song...

Gobs and gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts
Mutilated monkey meat
Little tiny Birdie Feet
French fried Eye Balls dipped in kerosene
I forgot my (add cutlery of choice)

That's not morbid for a child to sing at all.

2. Have you ever noticed when you drop some change you have a decision to face? Depending on whether you dropped a quarter or not, it's not an easy decision to make. I think that every single person who drops a quarter will pick it up. That's 1/4 of a dollar! But when you drop a couple pennies or a dime or a nickel, the effort it takes to bend down all the way to the ground and then somehow use your lack of fingernail to shimmy it up into your fingers hardly seems worth it. Not to mention if people are around you. Here you are stopping and spending upwards of 10 seconds to pick up a few cents like a hobo. (I'm not insensitive to the homeless. I am very sad for them.)
I think the least amount of money I will bend down for is 10 cents. If it's under that then it's for the little kids to seize over when they see it shining on the ground. If it's a dollar bill, probably even a single, I would ride a unicycle on the rail of a bridge over the highway to get it. There's something very precious about paper money. 


  1. I find that a lot of children's songs are like that. Such as children dancing in a circle singing about people dying and the smell of dead bodies. So cute isn't it? Or singing a baby a lullaby about falling out of a tree and crashing down. Very soothing. I think the mother had postpartum depression and secretly wanted her baby to die. As far as the money, I always pick it up. It seems like littering if I don't. You know how people are with that. "Save the earth!" You had good points though.

  2. What did your mother sing to you as a kid?! I have never heard that song

  3. wth i never heard that song EVER....and yea pe-can is a bird....

  4. haha you remember his song but you don't remember Rock a Bye Baby?! Am I misinterpreting that song?? And of course, Ring Around the Roses? It's okay though, my mother never sang me songs and I'm guessing yours never did either. Or she just didn't sing you creepy ones haha. Most mothers are a little crazy in my opinion though. You guys are very expressive though. Makes me happy. Must be all the warm sunshine for awhile in sad :(

  5. Exactly my thought process about picking up change found on the street. the other dilema that comes into play is how dirty is that money and how quickly can you wash your hands or will you be infecting all your possessions for any length of time after considering to NOT be lazy and bend ALL that way down to pick up the worthy amount of money in question after trying to convince yourself in those few seconds of deciding which path to take that no one is really looking or so what if they are you have just become however much righer =) money adds up? or does it? is it really going to matter in the large scheme of things in your financial life. We may never know!

  6. 90 word sentence...
    You're definitely my sister.

  7. the amount of money may seem small and worthless to you but, you kinda look like a prick if you decide not to pick it up, like oh look there's some money but i dont need that enough to bend down for it, im too important for that. i think if you see money you should pick it up regardless of the amount. if its 10 cents to a quarter then score. if its a penny or nickel it may not buy you lunch but it will provide you with ammunition to flick at someones head (usually ends up being james flicking at my head GRRRRR)
